日期:2022-06-02 發布人: 來源: 閱讀量:
Translation should pay attention to the expression and translation of every professional word. Shangyu translation company will share with you how to present a relaxed and comfortable translation environment?
1. use subjunctive mood
在國際貿易中 ,商務人員常用動詞的虛擬式提出建議或請求 ,使語氣委婉含蓄 ,具有更多的磋商余地 ,這樣更有利于在平等信任的基礎上,達成貿易協議。
In international trade, business people often use the subjunctive form of verbs to make suggestions or requests, so that the tone is euphemistic and implicit, with more room for negotiation, which is more conducive to reaching trade agreements on the basis of equality and trust.
2. change command mode to request mode
請求式能夠避免居高自傲 ,體現雙方的平等位。
Request type can avoid high self-esteem and reflect the equality of both sides.
3. use the past tense
在商務英語中常用情態動詞的一般過去式表示現在或將來的時間 ,以使談話的語氣更為婉轉 ,帶有更多的商量口吻。
In Business English, the general past tense of modal verbs is often used to express the present or future time, so as to make the conversation more tactful and more consultative.
4. 使用被動語態
4. use the passive voice
在商務信函中 ,經常使用主動句 ,從而明確地表達交易雙方的立場和觀點 ,而且也能使句式簡潔明了。但有時被動句更合適 ,更有用 ,尤其是在表示否定意思時 ,常采用被動語態。
In business letters, active sentences are often used to clearly express the positions and views of both parties to the transaction, and also make the sentence pattern concise and clear. But sometimes passive sentences are more appropriate and useful, especially when expressing negative meaning, they often use the passive voice.
5. use the second person
商務書信或談判 ,盡量用第二人稱 ,這樣顯得更加真誠、 有禮貌。
In business letters or negotiations, try to use the second person, which makes it more sincere and polite.
6. use positive words or phrases
商務書信或談判的語調應是積極合作的 ,不可用高人一等或譏諷的語氣 ,所以不要用消極的或中性的詞匯和詞組 ,避免責怪對方的錯誤 ,搞僵關系。
The tone of business letters or negotiations should be positive and cooperative, not superior or sarcastic. Therefore, do not use negative or neutral words and phrases to avoid blaming the other party's mistakes and making a rigid relationship.
7.使用緩和法 ,避免過分刺激
7. use moderation method to avoid excessive stimulation
在商務信函和談判中 ,為了找出解決問題的辦法 ,雙方都會提出一些意見。
In business letters and negotiations, both parties will put forward some opinions in order to find solutions to problems.
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